Paper plate whales!

This week we have been making our own paper plate whales to help decorate our lagoon! This is a great activity for children aged 3 and up; there’s plenty of painting and colouring to do!

You will need; IMG_2483

Blue/black/purple card

paper plates

blue/black/purple paint

colouring pens


To start, prepare the craft for the children by cutting out tail and fin shapes. Next, draw a line down the middle of your plate. The children can then paint one half of their plate to create the whales body. At Fireflies, the children all chose to decorate their plates differently, some only painted half, some painted all of it, some painted in lines, some spotted the paint on; use your imagination and decorate however you like!

Whilst the paint dries, you can decorate your whales fins and tails. We did this using sharpies as they give us a good strong colour on the coloured card. The children drew all different shapes and patterns to make their whales individuals.


When the plate is dry, you can then draw your face on your whale. Give your whale its own personality by drawing different shaped mouths, or funny eyes! Glue or staple your fins and tail onto the plate where ever you like to finish your whale!

We hope you enjoy this craft as much as we did! If you’d like to join us, then email for more information!

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