Egg Carton Turtles!

Egg Carton Turtle!

This is a great craft for children aged 4 and up. The younger ones may need help cutting out the resources, and so an adult may wish to prepare these things in advance.

To complete this project you will need:IMG_2439

Green card

Egg cartons

Colouring pens


Googly eyes.


The first thing to do is to cut your card into a turtle shape. We did this by drawing a circle, and adding fins to the sides, a head at the front and then cut it out.

We chose to then decorate our turtle bodies. The children used felt tip pens and coloured their turtle body in all different ways. They used patterns, shapes, faces and lots of colours! You can make your turtle as decorative as you like!

Cut your egg cartons into individual egg holders to make your turtle shells. We had an adult to do this as we needed to use a knife to cut through the stiff cardboard, but some strong scissors should also work.

Decorate your turtle shell in any way you like- just like the turtle bodies, make it as individual as you can!

Add some PVA glue to the edge of your egg cartons and attach it to your turtle body. Finish their faces with some googly eyes. When the glue is dry, your turtle is ready to play!

Some of the children decided to turn the turtle’s shells around and glued the flat side of the shell to the body and made their turtles into tiny turtle baskets! You can do whatever you like!


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