
A truly sssssspecial craft activity! This snake is really easy to make and with all it’s bright colours is sure to amuse your children for hours on end (or at least a day!)…

You will need:

Coloured paper


Wrapping ribbon (or string)





  1. Cut circles out of your coloured paper – each ‘segment’ of the snake will require at least 3 circles.
  2. Cut a length of wrapping ribbon to the desired length of your snake.
  3. Select your first 3 circles, and fold each one in half, glue the halves of 2 circles together –
  4. Place the end of your ribbon onto the glued circles and sellotape it in place –P1120386
  5. Then glue the 2 halves and place the last circle –
  6.  Continue this process all the way up the ribbon….
  7. …. the last circle will be the head – and you will need an small excess of ribbon ‘hanging out’ for the tongue –
  8. Draw on some eyes, and shape the end of the ribbon to create a forked tongue.
  9. Job Done! Time to play!

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