Purrrrfect Page Markers

aka Bookmarks!!

For these furry feline friends you will need:

2 pieces of card

colourings pens or pencils

stapler or glue

black felt pen



First of all – draw your character twice – we chose to do some cute kitties but you can really do anything you like! The first drawing should focus on the lower half of the body, then draw your character a second time but only the head and arms [see picture below]. When you are satisfied with them, use the black felt tip to outline your character and any markings it may have – then cut them out!

Colour your character in.

And don’t forget to draw and colour the back side of your character too!!


Now, time to attach the face and arms to the rest of the body, we used a stapler and disguised the staple as part of the cats face (look at the mouth area! ). Glue would work just as well but you’d have to remember not to glue the arms down!

There – you’re all done! Now you can enjoy a good read curled up with your kitty!

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